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Joint ENC - ISMAR Conference April 6 - 10, 2025

Co-Hosted by Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Research Conference (ENC) at the ASILOMAR CONFERENCE CENTER


Follow us. Mention @ENC_Conf and #ENCISMAR2025 in your social media posts.

Invited Speakers

The invited speakers listed below the program will be featured in the twenty-seven parallel sessions. In addition a special invited speaker, Malcolm Levitt, will give a 4-part Early Morning Lecture Series.

Parallel session will also include 120 promoted talks selected from submitted abstracts and poster presentations.

To be considered for a talk, submit your abstract NOW. The sooner an abstract is submitted after the January 10 deadline, the more chance it has to be considered for an oral.

February 28 is the FINAL deadline for all abstract submissions. Go to Abstract Submission.

Invited Speakers for Parallel Sessions

Biomolecular NMR

  • Manuel Etzkorn, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf; The Dynamic World of DNA Enzymes
  • Flemming Hansen, UCL London; Developing artificial intelligence to improving the resolution and sensitivity of complex NMR data
  • Dorothee Kern, Scripps; TBA
  • Jun-Xia Lu, Wuhan University; Amelogenin Assembly Structure Transition during the Mineral Maturation
  • Bernd Reif, TUM; Towards a Mechanistic Understanding of the Role of the Amyloid Fibril Fuzzy Coat in Secondary Nucleation and Fibril Polymorphism
  • Paul Schanda, IST Vienna; Dynamics of allosteric proteins from solid and solution-NMR: getting help from improved pulse sequences and labelling and machine learning
  • Anne Schuetz, LMU, Munich; Tales of a Temperamental Protein – Taming the Non-Structural Protein of the Hepatitis B Virus
  • Ichio Shimada, RIKEN; Structural and dynamic insights into the activation of the μ-opioid receptor by an allosteric modulator
  • Chun Tang, Peking University; Dynamic Allostery of Retroviral Capsid Protein Upon Maturation
  • Rob Tycko, NIH; Time-Resolved Biomolecular Solid State NMR with Millisecond Time Resolution
  • Pramodh Vallurupalli, TATA Institute; Studying Protein Conformational Dynamics Using CEST NMR Experiments
  • Tuo Wang, Michigan State University; Adaptive Remodeling of Fungal Cell Walls in Response to Stress: Insights from Solid-State NMR and DNP


    • Patrice Bertet, CEA Paris-Saclay; Single-spin spectroscopy using microwave photon counting
    • Alice Bowen, University of Manchester; I2BODIPY as a new photoswitchable spin label for light-induced pulsed EPR dipolar spectroscopy exploiting magnetophotoselection
    • Maxie Roessler, Imperial College London; Film-electrochemical EPR as a tool to investigate electron transfer reactions
    • Sunil Saxena, University of Pittsburgh; A metallic spin on protein structure and dynamics

    Hyperpolarization Methodologies

    • Marina Bennati, Max Planck Institute; Recent Progress in Overhauser-enhanced liquid NMR at 9.4 Tesla
    • Dominik Bucher, TUM; Towards single cell NMR spectroscopy
    • Ed Chekmenev, Wayne State University; Toward Ventilation Lung Imaging Employing Parahydrogen Induced Polarization of Proton-Hyperpolarized Inhalable Gases Using Clinical Proton-Only MRI scanners
    • Lyndon Emsley, EPFL; Agents of Polarization
    • Kong Ooi Tan, ENS Paris; Hypershifted Spin Spectroscopy with Dynamic Nuclear Polarization at 1.4 K
    • Nobuhiro Yanai, Kyushu University; Materials chemistry towards in-vivo DNP


    • Fabien FerrageENS Paris; Ultrafast High-Resolution Relaxometry
    • Jan KorvinkKIT; TBA
    • Thai LyCSIRO; A 7-Metre-Diameter Magnetic Resonance Truck Sensor for the Bulk Sensing of Mine-Trucks
    • Karen SauerGeorge Mason University; Life outside the magnet: tales from low-field NMR
    • Kazuyuki TakedaKyoto University; Creation of First-Order Dipolar Order under MAS


    • Tamara Branca, University of North Carolina; Hyperpolarized Xenon: More Than Just a Gas
    • Susie Huang, Mass General Hospital; Connectome 2.0: Next-Generation Human MRI Scanner for Bridging Studies of the macro-, meso-, and micro-connectome
    • Daniel Topgaard, Lund University; Diffusion MRI methods borrowed from NMR relaxation dispersion and isotropic-anisotropic correlation
    • Xiao-Hong Zhu, University of Minnesota; Development of 2H MRS-based Metabolic Imaging for Quantitative Study of Glucose Metabolism and Metabolic Reprogramming in the Human Brain

              Organic, Inorganic, and Hybrid Materials

              • Eike Brunner, Dresden University; In Situ NMR Spectroscopy of Flexible Metal-Organic Frameworks
              • Raphaële Clément, UC - Santa Barbara; Advancing Magnetic and Magnetic Resonance Tools to Monitor Battery Processes
              • Kazuma Gotoh, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology; The use of ex situ / operando solid-state NMR for the analysis of hard carbon for secondary batteries
              • Clare Grey, University of Cambridge;
              • John Griffin, Lancaster University; Investigating Structure and Mechanisms in Microporous Energy Materials using Solid-State NMR
              • Aaron Rossini, Iowa State University; Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy of Unreceptive Isotopes Enabled by Indirect Detection with Frequency Domain Sampling

                  Small Molecules

                  • Ralph Adams, University of Manchester; Ultra-selective 1D NMR Spectroscopy
                  • Valerie Copie, University of Montana; NMR Metabolomics Investigations of the Gut-Brain-Metabolism Axis Underlying the Developmental and Progressive Neurodegenerative Disease, Familial Dysautonomia
                  • Krzysztof Kazimierczuk, University of Warsaw; Signal acquisition and processing for NMR of small molecules and their mixtures - spectral pseudo-dimensions, Wasserstein metric, and more
                  • Han Sun, FMP Berlin; Structural determination of conformationally flexible natural products and peptides using anisotropic NMR spectroscopy and density functional theory
                  • Christina Thiele, TU Darmstadt; Modern NMR Applied to Enantioselective Catalysis: Insights into Interactions and Changes in Dynamics Obtained From STD, CEST and R1ρ
                  • Thomas Williamson, University of North Carolina Wilmington; i-HMBC Methodology: Applications and Enhancements

                  Theory, Computation, & Data Processing in NMR

                  • Andrew Baldwin, University of Oxford; TBA
                  • Robbie Iuliucci, Washington & Jefferson College; Advancing Chemical Shift Tensor Predictions in Organic Crystals with Modern Electronic Structure Calculations
                  • Gaetano Montelione, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Hidden Structural States of Proteins Revealed by Conformer Selection with AlphaFold-NMR
                  • Len Mueller, UC - Riverside; SHALL WE PLAY A GAME? Monte Carlo Statistical Analysis of Structure Selection and Refinement in NMR Crystallography
                  • Tamar Wolf, Weizmann Institute; Unleashing the Potential of Dipolar Order: Sensitivity Enhancement under Static and MAS Conditions

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